Tudo sobre AAPI CME Tour

Tudo sobre AAPI CME Tour

Blog Article

On top of that, these services let you configure custom travel packages that include T&A, accommodation, and even car rentals. To get more information on tours and attractions APIs, check out our comprehensive article on the topic.

Verify the number of credits offered and whether they cover the specific areas of expertise you require for your professional development.

To initiate the connection process, choose businesses you want to link and complete the on-line form.

Cloudbeds is another large player in the channel management market with about 20,000 hotels in its portfolio. Cloudbeds has a REST API that exchanges data on guests, reservations, and so on in JSON.

RezdyConnect API serves external suppliers who have their own booking platforms. The API facilitates reselling their products via Rezdy channels. It pulls availability and pricing from a supplier’s system and returns bookings and cancellations.

We must act, knowing today’s victories will only be partial and that it will be up to those who stand here in future years to advance the time’s spirit once conferred upon us by our leaders in a basement in Michigan.

Also a reminder, if interested in learning more about telemedicine, please enroll in this informative Masterclass using the link:

Ensure that the CME cruise you choose is accredited by a recognized medical education body. Accreditation ensures that the educational content meets specific quality standards and that the CME credits earned will be recognized by your licensing board or professional organization.

As a benefit of ACP membership, you can view and print a transcript of your participation in continuing medical education activities. The transcript will list your activities from the past six years, including meeting and course attendance and MKSAP information.

GDSs send general flight data, while Skyscanner provides more precise fare returns for a lower cost. To use Skyscanner API you need to enroll in website an affiliate program.

Arrive in Osaka and transfer to your hotel. The rest of the day is free for you to relax and get over the jet lag, or explore this beautiful city at your own pace, or go shopping!

The hotel location was great plus we got a room discount and free breakfast. I missed a half session because I felt sick and i believe it will be great to have a live on-line version/link that runs concurrently. I look forward to more conferences and will definitely recommend.

OTAs, tour operators, and other travel providers can tap into WebBeds inventory through their branded booking websites or API connectivity (contact them directly via an online form for more details.) Sunhotel has a separate XML API connecting to 368,000 properties in 120 countries.

Note that travel agencies will automatically get access to inventory from all new airlines onboarded.

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